We live, therefore we learn’. Isn’t it? Learning never stops and it goes beyond the degrees, diplomas and doctorates that we may have chased in our lives.
The learning organisations listed below all excel in imparting life skills, way broader than technical, vocational skills. It doesn’t matter what professional background you hail from or whether you are a student, a householder or retired, there is something in here for everyone.
How to read this review
Firstly, what is presented below is not a ranking. Each of these learning organisations have distinct courses and some of them are rather niche. Many but not all organisations offer on-line courses. For every organisation included here, you will find a) a short background b) their range of programmes c) a brief write-up on their main offering and d) useful links.

These learning organisations were selected to provide a comprehensive, though not exhaustive array of continuing education options for those interested in acquiring life and critical 21st century skills. This sample can be viewed across three realms. These are: a) systems science, systems thinking, systems philosophy b) systems change and transformational leadership and c) personal self-transformation and emotional intelligence. Although interconnected, each setting may be of appeal to different people.
The learning organisations covered in this piece are reviewed alphabetically below:

1. Ashoka Globalizer
‘Everyone a Changemaker’ is the succinct and power-packed mission of Ashoka, the Virginia based global non-profit organisation. Ashoka views every individual on this planet having the innate potential to bring about positive change in our communities, environment and the world at large. Ashoka Globalizer is a division within Ashoka that supports organisations in managing systems change.
Range of Programmes [online only]
Ashoka Globalizer offers a range of services. These include a Systems Change masterclass, Systems Change Ecosystem initiatives, Systems Change Research Lab and a Systems Change Strategy Accelerator. While some of these programmes are restricted to Ashoka network members, the systems change masterclass is open to all.
Key offering
The Systems Change Masterclass is an online learning program that is self-paced and offered gratis. The crux of this program is that it is case study based and it provides a gamut of methods and templates to understand the web of root causes that create social ills. The other interesting aspect of this course is that it allows a systems practitioner to enhance communication skills by transforming complex systems language to make it common place and easily understood.
Useful Links
Ashoka Systems Change Masterclass
2. Cabrera Lab

Founded by Drs Derek & Laura Cabrera, husband-wife couple, Cabrera Lab (CL) manifests the vision of its founders of spreading a deep humanity. Their mission is to build an individual’s Thinking Quotient (TQ) that encompasses creative, critical, and systems thinking along with emotional intelligence. Both Derek and Laura are part of the faculty at Cornell University but run CL as their independent outfit.
Range of Programmes [online only]
The range of programs on offer by CL is vast and these include the TQ test, basic concepts course, the advanced course and a Certified Thinking Leader (CTL) course. These courses are inter-disciplinary and cover domains as varied as Strategy & Culture, Learning, Education, Meta-thinking, Systems Thinking, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Design Thinking, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Scientific Thinking, UpThinking, and Measurement.
Key Offering
Common to all courses, is the Cabreras’ unique selling proposition of approaching systems and life with their unified methods. The two major pillars of this approach are DSRP and VMCL. These acronyms stand for [Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, Perspectives] and [Vision, Mission, Capacital Systems, Leadership]. CLs programs are designed with the objective of making esoteric systems theory commonplace through practical application, easy to digest language, a sector neutral approach and building Human Intelligence (HI) skills that cannot be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Useful Links
3. Capra Course

The Capra Course is the summation of eminent physicist, Fritjof Capra’s life-long work along with evolutionary biology Professor, Pier Luigi Luisi. Capra is more than a noted physicist; he is an educator, systems thinker and activist. His work serves to pursue and create a unifying vision and in doing so, Capra attempts unity at three levels a) for the individual, the oneness of body, mind and spirit, b) unity between human and human and c) harmony between humanity and nature.
Range of Programmes [online only]
Firjof Capra offers in addition to the Systems View of Life, another program i.e., Conversations on the Principles of Life which is available only to alumni of the Capra Course.
Key Offering
The Systems View of Life is the flagship program of the Capra Course. This is an advanced systems thinking program which connects the dots between the biological, cognitive, social and ecological dimensions of life. It demonstrates how systemic problems can be dealt with through an understanding of systems science. It seeks a change in our world view and shows us how this can be applied across the fields of economics, management, politics, design, medicine, and law. Having some exposure to systems thinking is helpful but not a pre-requisite for this course.
Useful Links
4. Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Courses (powered by Key Step Media)

The Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Courses (DGEIC) executed by Key Step Media, is founded on the work of Daniel Goleman, pioneer and Emotional Intelligence guru. While Daniel Goleman does not deliver these courses, the curriculum and course content has been developed in conjunction with him.
Range of Programmes [online only]
To be clear, there is only one Daniel Goleman EI course which can be split or aggregated in different ways. Daniel Goleman’s courses can be applied towards both, personal and professional development
Key Offering
The flagship course is spread over 12 weeks and is offered online and consists of six foundational and six relational skills that are imparted. The course can be broken into two parts where the participant has the option of signing up only for the foundational or the relational skills module. The participant also has the option of earning continuing education credits accredited by the International Coaching Federation. The DGEIC offers the latest neuroscience research on the subject of Emotional Intelligence.
Useful Links
Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Courses
5. Earth University (aka Bija Vidyapeeth)

The Earth University, also known as Bija Vidyapeeth is housed within Navdanya biodiversity farm on the outskirts of Dehradun in Northern India. Inspired by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore’s philosophy of living in communion with nature, Earth University is India’s answer to England-based Schumacher College. The Earth University is a learning organisation dedicated to sustainable living and earth democracy.
Range of Programmes [immersive and in-person only]
Earth University offers several programmes to nurture the spirit of ecology. All of these are residential and offered at Navdanya. These include Gandhi, Globalisation & Earth Democracy, The A-Z of Biodiversity, Agroecology & Regenerative Organic Farming and a course on Ecofeminism. They also offer informal internships through the year under their ‘Bijak’ (literally seed sower) programme that allows one to become a practitioner of ecology.
Key Offering
One of Earth University’s key offering is its Gandhi, Globalisation and Earth Democracy course. Held once a year across six days, one half of the course establishes how globalisation has been responsible for the unchecked degradation of soil; the role of industrial agriculture in the current climate crisis and the imperative for Earth Democracy. The other half of the course brings to bear Gandhian philosophy and how it can be used to establish a regenerative culture and foster global peace and mutual understanding. The course consists of class room talks, daily volunteering known as shram dhan as well as field work that includes a chance to harvest crops and visit a seed bank and composting centre.
Useful Links
6. Fourth Wheel Social Impact

4th Wheel Social Impact offers self-development and training programs for social sector and public sector professionals as well Corporate Social Responsibility professionals working in the corporate sector. They have adopted many of the frameworks developed by leading multilateral agencies such as OECD, UNDP and the World Bank and made them accessible to development sector professionals.
Range of Programmes [online and in-person]
4th Wheel offers a range of courses and customised training programs. Their programs are focussed on developing a Theory of Change (ToC) for and Monitoring & Evaluation of impact-driven projects. Their capacity development programs are tailored to institutional requirements and are delivered through structured training programs like Fieldwork Assessment Methods, Development Communications and Proposal Development. Additionally, they offer peer learning programs, workshops on Design Thinking and host large group dialogues through a ‘world café.’
Key Offering
Their flagship learning offering is their online course on Theory of Change. A ToC is a key design tool developed to guide professionals in achieving desired impact from their social investments. It helps in understanding systemic change and planning a program accordingly. Their approach is practical and team and case-study driven
Useful Links
7. Gaia Education

There are few learning organisations that are wholly focussed on ecological security. Gaia Education is one such outfit whose offerings are of appeal to a very broad audience across ages, cultural backgrounds and professions. Their mission is to equip one with the necessary tools to design regenerative communities and restore balance at a planetary level.
Range of Programmes [online and in-person]
The range of programmes that Gaia education offers is astonishing. Courses are offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese and include priced as well as free courses. They offer a mix of online live and online self-paced programmes. Some of their noted programmes include Ecosystem Restoration, Digital Storytelling, Systems Thinking for Real World Change, Design for Resilience, Design for Sustainability & Regeneration and Cultivating Regenerative Livelihoods.
Key Offering
There is no one key offering. Gaia Education has introduced a few face-to-face courses and they offer several train-the-trainer programmes. They facilitate education for youth to help youngsters engage with the complexity of sustainability issues and they offer courses from Ubiquity University such as Foundations of Doughnut Economics. While the overall emphasis of Gaia Education’s programmes are on the ecological dimension of life, a few courses dwell on the social dimension and some help connect the outer and inner dimensions of our existence..
Useful Links
8. India Leaders for the Social Sector (ILSS)

India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS) is a learning and development organisation that supports India’s social sector through capacity building and leadership development. A unique aspect of ILSS is its relative emphasis on drawing people from outside the social sector, in particular from the corporate sector, to help them transition to the social sector.
Range of Programmes [mainly immersive, in-person but with a few online options]
Their portfolio of programmes, besides their Leadership one, include Fundraising, People Practices, Board Governance, Board Leadership and an Emerging Women’s Leadership course. Their programmes works better for people who are based in India or see a future in India’s social sector but this is not a stated requirement.
Key Offering
ILSS is best known for its flagship Leadership course which is a nine-day immersive residential program also available virtually but spread over 11 weeks. This offering can be condensed in four key pillars. The first is an introduction to the social sector through exposure to multiple socio, eco, political and legal perspectives. The second is understanding the landscape and the thematic areas that constitute this space. The third is understanding the different types of social sector organisations that exist and the fourth is a personal dimension of deep reflection and self-transformation. Most of ILSS’s faculty is visiting and drawn from the sector itself. The leadership program offers peer learning and experiential learning possibilities which include field visits. It also offers a placement service.
Useful Links
9. International Bateson Institute

The brainchild of Nora Bateson, the International Bateson Institute is a learning organisation that focusses on unearthing the subtleties of systems thinking through its Warm Data Labs programs. To be clear, Warm Data is distinct from statistical and quantitative Big Data and dwells in the realm of qualitative data that helps describe the invisible connections within a complex system. For instance when we examine the wicked problem of food insecurity we need to go beyond statistical analysis and determine the relationships that exist between farmer, soil and nature, the relationships between different players in the supply chain and the consumer and the relationships between places, society and economics.
Range of Programmes [in-person only]
The International Bateson Institute manifests the legacy of Gregory Bateson and William Bateson. Their projects support experimental research that highlight the role of perspectivist thinking. Every year they put on offer as many as 40-50 lectures and seminars to private and commercial organisations. Additionally they help develop curricula for high schools and universities and engage with the public through films, exhibitions , web broadcasts and conducting Warm Data Labs in physical locations globally.
Key Offering
Among its impressive activities, it is their Warm Data Lab’s offering that stands out. This week-long, in-person workshop’s aim is to convey to its learners how individuals perceive and how each participant may discover new patterns of connection that remain traditionally invisible. Warm Data is trans-contextual information. It does not disregard quantitative (cold data), rather it offers a holistic perspective and makes quantitative data more insightful. This flagship program is broken into two main sections, i.e., the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of Warm Data that feature conversations held in smaller breakout groups through the entire workshop. Bateson Institute’s Warm Data Labs is about reinforcing the role of our cognitive capabilities, multiple perspectives and the discovery of multiple contexts that living systems exhibit. In the final analysis, it is about enhancing our mental models leveraging qualitative data.
Useful Links
10. MIT xPRO

MIT xPRO is the online learning arm of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT’s mission is to develop technical professionals across disciplines. MIT xPRO’s objectives are to make learning accessible and help professionals with their skill building needs as well as their leadership acumen. To that extent, the audience they cater to is fairly wide.
Range of Programmes [online only]
While MIT xPRO’s range of courses is very wide. These include Introduction to Systems Thinking, Architecture of Complex Systems, Model-based Systems Engineering and Quantitative Methods in Systems Engineering, Machine Learning and Leadership Principles for Scientists. MIT is the birthplace of the discipline of System Dynamics and along with Systems Engineering these constitute the central approach to the courses taught here.
Key Offering
The Introduction to Systems Thinking course is a 5-week, online program and it has a distinct leaning towards the world of business and technology, to the realm of products and organisation but also cover broader aspects such as family and life. The course is application oriented and the examples taught are across multiple disciplines. These include transportation, logistics, healthcare, medicine, environment and energy policy.
Useful Links
MIT xPRO Systems Engineering Courses
11. Radical Transformation Leadership (powered by RTLeads)

The brainchild of Dr Monica Sharma, epidemiologist and former Head of Leadership Development at the United Nations, RTL is a program to groom change agents. It is a primer for strategic action for change agents. RTL programs are positioned for people who work primarily on social and development programs but not restricted to social sector professionals. Anyone, hailing from any background, wishing to contribute to positive social change will find these courses relevant.
Range of Programmes [immersive, in-person as well as online]
RTLeads is an umbrella set-up that offers Radical Transformation Leadership programs through its affiliates across the globe. The two principal affiliates are RTL Works and cChange. Courses are offered in-person, online and sometimes in hybrid mode. The range is vast and includes leadership courses for social impact and for sustainability. Other programs include those for conscious living, for the arts, for self-care and mental health and for field interventions.
Key Offering
Their flagship program is Radical Transformation Leadership and this is offered in two stages. It offers an approach which is conducive to systems change and it does so by providing a vast set of frameworks and tools. The main plank of this program is an approach referred to as Conscious Full Spectrum Response or CFSR which creates a synthesis between technical solutions, systems change and personal self-transformation to achieve sustainable and optimal results. Radically Transform fills the void between knowing what to change and how to bring about that change. For their complete list of programs globally please click here
Useful Links
12. Schumacher College (powered by Dartington Trust)

Housed in Dartington Estate, in Devon, England, Schumacher College is a centre of learning for ecological studies. Named after the legendary development economist, E F Schumacher, inspired by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and founded by Satish Kumar, Schumacher College’s forte is to help learners build essential 21st century skills and instil holistic, regenerative and systemic thinking.
Range of Programmes [in-person, immersive. A few online options available]
Schumacher College (SC) offers a vast range of programmes. Although, SC offers degree and diploma courses, we have only considered short courses for the purposes of this review. SC’s programmes vary from half-day workshops to week-long creative retreats including several weekend courses and a few online ones. They also offer a six-month agroecology residency programme.
Key Offering
There is no key offering at Schumacher College. Their courses are as diverse as it can get except that they are confined to ecology, the arts and social justice. A common thread across most courses is an experiential dimension. Their learning culture is about interactions, conducting field visits and getting into the kitchen, all with the objective of making an inquiry and becoming a catalyst for social and environmental good. Some of the current short courses available include Head, Heart and Hands Learning, Next Level Systems Thinking for Regenerative Organizations and Balancing the Brain: Neuroscience meets Ancient Wisdom.
Useful Links
Introduction to Schumacher College
Short Courses at Schumacher College
13. Six Seconds

Six Seconds is a learning organisation with a global presence headquartered in California. Its raison d’être lies in guiding people to move away from a reactive mode and embrace an emotionally intelligent way for responding. Six seconds is the average duration of a pause that human beings need to avoid reacting and make a conscious decision when faced with a challenging or stressful situation. In this lies the genesis of its name.
Range of Programmes [mostly online although a few are offered in-person]
Six Seconds is a learning organisation with a difference. Their mantra is to develop one’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) to support the enhancement of purpose, self-awareness and optimism. They achieve their mission by providing a range of resources for eLearning and offering, tools and certification courses. In whatever they do, their emphasis on putting theory into practice.
Key Offering
Their flagship course is entry-level ‘Unlocking EQ’ and is a pre-requisite for any of their advanced courses. As a participant in the Unlocking EQ course, one can choose a speciality from either of the following options i.e., a) business b) coaching c) education d) personal growth e) non-profit f) parenting. This introductory course commences with articulating one’s goals and leveraging Six Seconds methods and frameworks to achieve one’s vision. They also present the latest neurological and psychological research related to Emotional Intelligence. In a world which has been so driven by quantitative, cold, factual data, Six Seconds provides the underlying fabric for leadership development and systems change. As their website says, “We’re building a world of insight, connection, and purpose, one person at a time.”
Useful Links
To learn more about Six Seconds please click on the link below
14. U School of Transformation

A product of the Presencing Institute (PI) and MIT’s Center for Organizational Learning, the U School of Transformation works at the intersection of systems science, social and organizational change, and human consciousness. At the heart of this learning organization lies Theory-U, a framework for implementing mindfulness-based change to transform the systems we interact with in our daily lives. Developed by Otto Scharmer, Senior Lecturer at MIT, Theory U had its genesis on the observation that some transformation tools work very successfully with some practitioners while they are quite ineffective in the hands of others.
Range of Programmes [mostly online although a few are offered in-person]
U School of Transformation provides a large range of courses for changemakers. Their online programmes include both self-paced as well as live online sessions. The focus of these programs is on helping changemakers transform systems by building inner capacity. Programmes include Levels of Listening, 4D Systems Mapping, Social Presencing and U-Lab.
Key Offering
U-Lab is the flagship program of the U School and presents the whole nine yards of Theory U. It has been used by myriad individuals, organisations and communities across the world to address several wicked problems that include climate change, food systems, inequality and exclusion, finance, healthcare and education. Theory U blends systems thinking, innovation, and leading change from the viewpoint of an evolving human consciousness. The U-lab course is offered gratis but seeking a certificate comes at a nominal cost.
Useful Links
For any feedback on this list please write to Shakti at shakti@shaktify.in